March 1, 2025


Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO


Welcome to the 2025 West Regional Conference, hosted by the Colorado School of Mines! Mark your calendars for March 1st and join us for a day filled with professional networking, engaging workshops, and invaluable opportunities to connect with industry leaders. Make the most of your weekend by exploring the vibrant beauty and attractions Colorado has to offer. We can’t wait to see you there! 

This year’s West Regional Conference theme is “Blend Creativity, Drive Change”! Since 2010, the global rise of Asian media has fueled a powerful wave of cultural pride and affiliation. At our conference, we aim to extend this momentum of Asian creativity and innovation beyond the arts and into professional fields such as engineering, science, and technology.

SASE at Mines is dedicated to advancing Asian heritage and leadership in STEM. Over the years, we’ve built a vibrant AAPI community on campus, creating opportunities for students to celebrate their culture, grow as leaders, and develop professionally. Together, we’re fostering diversity, empowering future leaders, and shaping a more inclusive STEM community. Us at the Colorado School of Mines welcome you!